Si vous n’êtes pas déjà convaincu par l’importance de mettre votre photo (et une bonne !) sur LinkedIn, lisez cette étude citée par Siofra Pratt sur son blog ( Vous y trouverez des conseils concrets dans le choix de votre photo et son impact sur l’impression que vous allez donner à la personne qui regarde votre profil.

Voici des extraits:

How Social Media Photos Affect Your Job Search? What does your profile photo say about you?

You may think that uploading silly photographs of yourself to your social media accounts is just a bit of fun and games, but with 90% of employers now recruiting through social media, you may be at risk of damaging your chances of being hired. First impressions are crucial when it comes to hiring decisions and while your skills and experience are important factors, it’s often your photograph that the recruiter will notice first and on which initial judgements will be made.

Top Takeaways

  • An impression will be formed of you from your photo within 1/10 of a second!
  • A recruiter will spend a average 6 seconds looking at your LinkedIn profile – 19% of that is spent looking directly at your profile photo.
  • Don’t obstruct your eyes in your photo. Sunglasses, shadows, glare and misplaced hair all bring down perceived competence and influence by as much as 15%.
  • Show some teeth! Flashing your pearly whites has twice the effect of smiling with your mouth closed.
  • Dressing formally in your photo increases your perceived competence by 43% and your perceived influence by 58%.